🫵 A good news for Alex is great news for us all! [Excerpt]

This is an excerpt from the CLUB Missive sent on June 6, 2023
So, here I am! It’s Sunday morning as I’m putting those words down, since I didn’t find the time prior to this morning, between the hospital and putting all those amazing packages together, making sure they’ll be ready to be shipped this week for you to receive it as quickly as possible! I’m listening to The Oh Sees Live at Levitation while writing this missive as I’m on fire following what has been such a great last few days with Alex at the HQ, something that hasn’t happened since last fall. And to see Alex in such a glorious vibe all week long while he was writing those 200 letters to you all..! The best part of it all is to see him wanting to add as many gifts as he possibly can into your orders! I’ve never seen anything like it, and not even close to it.