I Need Your Help! And a Happy 2nd Anniversary 🇲🇦 [Excerpt]

This is an excerpt from the CLUB Missive sent on August 1st, 2023
The first time I heard Alex mention a strong desire to step foot in Tangier was back in 2016! We had just finalized what felt like a never ending recording process for Your Favorite Enemies’ album Tokyo Sessions and Alex was coming back from a week out in Tangier, trying to regain some sense of normality after spending a few months working day and night in the studio. Alex invited me for lunch at a downtown restaurant as he wanted to share with me his new ideas around the writing of a new album…!
“A new album?!?!” I said with an eyebrow raised as high as it possibly can be raised, and followed with “Haven’t we just finished recording one?!” In my mind, it sounded more like “Here we go again, typical Alex coming back from a week of thinking and supposedly resting.” The cool thing about being a DIY artist is that once you’re finished with recording, you have to quickly switch hats and start thinking about releasing the album and making sure you have an available van to go on tour with!