Music Industry People That Inspired Me – And Hopefully You As Well! [Excerpt]

This is an excerpt from the CLUB Missive sent on January 23, 2024

Eurosonic is always quite crazy and intense for me! I’ve seen 5 am a lot in the past few days, as I was coming back very late at the hotel, since I always want to make the most out of those events, up until this morning where 5 am was the time my alarm clock was set for me to wake up. I arrived in the Netherlands last Tuesday to attend what is now my fifth Eurosonic Music Festival. As I’ve been sharing with you in the past, I always have some kind of a love/hate relationship with those, where art and commerce are walking hand in hand and where one hand is bigger than the other sometimes…!

But this year, I’m leaving truly inspired, thoughtful, and a little different following two incredible moments I had the chance to live, which I wanted to share with you as they are in a way music related, but especially, as they are filled with greatness, purpose and meaning – three things I’m attracted to like a magnet! 

I’ll try to write short stories!