Alex & I Would Like to Thank You [Excerpt]

This is an excerpt from the CLUB Missive sent on November 14, 2023

The entire journey around Alex’s album “Windows in the Sky” has been nothing close to a classic band journey. Everything started as something fragile, a tiny whisper thrown at me by Alex which sounded like “Let’s bring the band to Tangier, and let’s give birth to something incredible, or may Tangier be the end of the road for us as a band.” This whisper was just like a seed in Alex’s hand, it wasn’t even in the ground, we didn’t even have a clue where to plant and nurture it, but it was in his hand, in his heart, and it took roots, knowing we had each other (friendship), Alex also knew he had something powerful and relevant to give birth to (music), and some of you guys faithfully kept on writing to us, encouraging us, impatiently waiting for what was next (you)!

From this whisper right to this morning, from this seed in Alex’s hand which contained so much life, so much to discover, embrace and enjoy… This little seed has become the most beautiful flower of our entire personal and collective garden. There was no better way for us to celebrate this chapter than to celebrate it with you, as we did last week around the vinyl “The Love That Moves”. I will never forget the very first time I heard Alex sing “I will conquer darkness and make it shine.” There were pieces of hell burning in Alex’s soul at that time and it was so hard to see those seeds taking root deeply into his gut right in front of my eyes, feeling powerless in front of such evil. So, when these words, again, came out of his mouth as a fragile whisper but became louder and louder and louder, especially during that July 2020 performance during COVID, which felt like someone or something was literally cutting our wings as things were going well for us, for once, but we couldn’t capitalize on it as we needed to stay home. Well you were there, and you showed up, and you made sure that it wasn’t just words but a real daily decision where love would not only remove those rotten roots, but bring them into a much more fertile ground where real light shines!