🎼How About We Share Around Music Everyday?!? [Excerpt]

This is an excerpt from the CLUB Missive sent on December 5, 2023
So, as I was wondering what I should be sharing with you all this week – and it was a bit of a struggle – a friend of mine shared the idea that it could be cool to create an advent calendar with every song I shared with you on a weekly basis throughout the entire year! I immediately thought “Yeah! This is amazing!” Then, more ideas came in and this thing got me really excited!

My final idea would be this: I’ll be doing a short video daily, probably the first thing I’ll do in the morning following my third cup of coffee, where I’ll share about a song, an album, or an artist that I previously shared with you throughout the year, and tell you a little more about why I decided to put this on and what this means to me! Since most of you are always commenting on the music I’m sharing, I’m expecting a lot of comments on your end and for those short videos to become some kind of a daily gathering around music!